I am grateful to God for the many, many healings I have had...

I am grateful to God for the many, many healings I have had since I commenced the study of Christian Science. When I began this wonderful study, I had no physical problems, but I was most unhappy. The career I wanted to pursue seemed ever to elude me. I was often told that I should enter another field, since this profession was not open to my people (Negroes).

I had spent years in preparation, and much money had gone into my education. Finally I asked the director of the school from which I had received my degree to allow me to become one of the faculty members, since all of the teachers held my work in great esteem. He was in favor of it. However, he said that he would have to consult the other members of the faculty, and if they agreed I would be admitted. He then solemnly added, "People of your race never ask for this subject." I was admitted, and stayed on the faculty for twelve years in the downtown section of my city. However, my classes were very small.

Then Christian Science was presented to me. A kind practitioner stated, "Since you have spent so much money and so many years learning your profession, without success, why not learn something about God?" I was so eager to find peace of mind that I shouted "Yes, yes, I will give it all up." Of course, I did not have to give up anything good to find God. I worked diligently with the verse from the Bible (Matt. 6:33), "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

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April 3, 1971

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