How often we have known people capable of great good, or evidencing pronounced potential, who do not bring their talents to fruition! It would seem that they neither gain a profit for themselves nor bless humanity by the exercise of their abilities.
The poet Shakespeare wrote, "Sweet are the uses of adversity," and many students of Christian Science have learned that adversity, even opposition and antagonism, can result in mental improvement and therefore be a real benefit to them.
How wonderful it is to learn that God's will for us is good, and that His tender presence completely surrounds, supports, and protects us wherever we are! To know that we live in Him, that we are "hid with Christ in God," Col.
For many years my husband and I and our two children have made living and practicing Christian Science our goal in life, and our blessings have been many.
The study and application of Christian Science has indeed been a blessing, revealing to me the healing, directing, and sustaining power of God, divine Love.
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