The Power That Heals

Christian Science acknowledges the presence, here, now, and always, of a power which will heal disease or discord of any nature. What is this power which enables us to prove that there is no incurability, no hopeless situation? Mrs. Eddy found it to be the power of Christ, Truth, which Jesus demonstrated centuries ago when he went about restoring the sick to health, freeing the sinning by destroying the sin, and raising the dead to life. These many events were not happenstance. They were the inevitable result of Jesus' embodiment of the Christ, the power of God to heal and to save.

The Master said, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:32; He proved the power of Truth for all time. Demonstration of a proven fact can be made over and over again. But the truth or power of the fact is not in proportion to the number of times it is demonstrated. In Christian Science we find that a spiritual fact is a fact even before it has been proved. It is easy to see that once such a fact is glimpsed students have an insatiable desire to prove it and then to demonstrate it over and over again, reaping the benefits therefrom.

Christian Science heals. This is a fact. Mrs. Eddy proved that the Christ, Truth, with its inherent power is just as present with mankind today as it was when Jesus was in Galilee. The fact of the ever-presence of the Christ-power, thoroughly proved by Mrs. Eddy, has been demonstrated repeatedly by her followers. However, correct application of the teachings of Christian Science is as necessary to demonstrate that the truths of Christian Science heal as is the correct application of mathematical rules to prove the practicality of mathematics. The textbook of Christian Science, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, must be studied and pondered until its truths are understood; and in the proportion that these truths are understood and practiced will their healing power be evidenced.

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Perpetual Freshness
December 3, 1966

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