In 1937, while attending a lecture on Christian Science, I accepted...

In 1937, while attending a lecture on Christian Science, I accepted this religion as the way of Life, and since that time it has been my daystar of being. Early recognition of the need to express divine Love brought the assurance that "by serving, love will grow" (Hymn No. 360, Christian Science Hymnal). I was accepted as a member of The Mother Church and of a branch church and have been a member of several branch churches at subsequent times. I served these churches in many capacities, and then had the wonderful privilege of training as a nurse at the Christian Science Benevolent Association on Pacific Coast.

While working as a nurse after my return to Australia, I experienced the following healing. I was in the country in Queensland, more than one thousand miles from home and at least one mile from the nearest neighbor. About six o'clock one morning I was attacked by a very severe pain. This was to have been my day off, and a member of the household came in much later to see why I had not appeared for the morning meal. She graciously read to me from Mrs. Eddy's writings, but when no change had taken place, an effort was made without success to contact a practitioner.

It was my desire to work this problem out myself, so I proceeded in the only way of which I was then capable in view of the severe pain. I called on God in my thought, and often spoke the word aloud. Shortly before noon I arose and declared that I needed my health to serve God, and in that instant the pain ceased. I dressed, and volunteered to take care of the patient during the afternoon. Shortly after this, an incision appeared in my body, and what I presume was a kidney stone passed painlessly. This was indeed assurance of the mighty power which accompanies the understanding of God gained through the study of Christian Science.

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December 3, 1966

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