question is often asked, "Since there is just one God, and man is made in His image and likeness, wouldn't this indicate that all men are alike, that is, copies or repeats?
The joyful message on the above subject was presented at the Tuesday Evening Meeting held in the extension of The Mother Church on June 8, 1965, the day following the Annual Meeting.
I am
thankful for God, and I am grateful to Him for Christ Jesus, who taught that God forgives sin and heals disease, and for the consecration of our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science.
I heard
of and accepted Christian Science as the truth many years ago; but until 1939 I just dabbled in it, using it to a great extent to give me greater material comfort.
three years ago, while working at my trade as a carpenter, I stepped over the edge of the roof of an apartment building porch which was approximately thirty feet high.
QUESTIONER: The need for confidence was brought out very clearly in an article in Reader's Digest that said: "In one university survey, 600 students were asked to name their biggest personal problem.
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