The Spirit of the Good Samaritan

As Christian Scientists we are practicing our religion by doing good. We are endeavoring to manifest the Christ, Truth, by preaching the kingdom of God and by healing the sick and the sinning. We are also manifesting the spirit of the good Samaritan by the simplest deeds of human kindness. The spirit of the Christ and that of the good Samaritan cannot be separated, as is shown by the life of Christ Jesus and that of his follower, Mrs. Eddy.

In the absolute sense man is spiritual and perfect, the Scriptures bearing witness that he is made in the likeness of God. He does not undergo a pilgrimage from the human to the divine. However, mankind does seem to be on such a pilgrimage. This upward way leads through moral qualities to the spiritual realm of understanding, and the good-Samaritan qualities appear progressively in this line of light.

Spiritual progress toward goodness is revealed through the affections. Goodness is never a negative, loveless quality, merely conforming to a limited sense of right and wrong. Referring to the Science of God and His idea working in human consciousness, Mrs. Eddy states in "Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 166): "This spiritual idea, or Christ, entered into the minutiæ of the life of the personal Jesus. It made him an honest man, a good carpenter, and a good man, before it could make him the glorified."

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Peter Solves a Problem
April 24, 1965

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