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On page 372 of Science and Health...
On page 372 of Science and Health under the marginal heading "Recognition of benefits," Mrs. Eddy writes: "In Christian Science, a denial of Truth is fatal, while a just acknowledgment of Truth and of what it has done for us is an effectual help. If pride, superstition, or any error prevents the honest recognition of benefits received, this will be a hindrance to the recovery of the sick and the success of the student." It has been proved to me that Christian Science does heal the sick, and I should like to express my gratitude for the Christ, Truth, and its healing and regenerating power.
I attended a Christian Science Sunday School from the youngest class until I reached high school age. I appreciate this early training, which later helped me when I was in need. During high school, however, I drifted away from Sunday School. After studying in a state university for two years, I became mentally and physically ill. I felt tired and ill most of the time and wanted to withdraw from people.
One afternoon, sitting in my room in the dormitory, I felt as if I could not go on attending school any longer. It was only with great difficulty that I was forcing myself to attend classes. In this extremity I telephoned my mother, who is a Christian Scientist. She lovingly gave me some comforting truths and told me that she would get in touch with a practitioner for me. I got my copies of the Bible and of Science and Health, which I had not really used for years. With the Quarterly I began studying the Lesson-Sermon for that week.
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June 1, 1963 issue
View Issue-
Church Membership Indispensable
Atomic Activity
The Destiny of the Monitor
How Christian Science Deals with Evil
God's Loving Care
A College Student Writes
A United Christendom
Helen Wood Bauman
Structure and Church
Carl J. Welz
How grateful I am to have...
Lucile Lord Ponto with contributions from Barbara Lord Cato
I should like to express my...
Sallie Lee Arbogast
My family and I have been...
Ilka Pantaleão
I shall never cease to be thankful...
George C. Brown
I should like to express gratitude...
Susan Graham
On page 372 of Science and Health...
Betty King Janssen
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Ernest Gordon