
The meeting was opened with the singing of Hymn No. 213, "O God, our help in ages past." The chairman, Mrs. Frances S. Wells, Trustee of The Christian Science Publishing Society, read selections from the Bible and the writings of Mary Baker Eddy. Silent prayer was followed by the audible repetition of the Lord's Prayer. Letters of greeting from The Christian Science Board of Directors and the Board of Trustees of The Christian Science Publishing Society were read by the chairman.

Dear Fellow Christian Scientists:

We extend a very warm welcome to all of you gathered here today to consider our periodicals, their mission, how they are fulfilling that mission and how we, as individuals and as active church workers, can aid in achieving for these publications the place in today's world which Mary Baker Eddy intended for them. We are indeed grateful that our beloved Leader provided these periodicals for us and for all mankind.

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July 14, 1962

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