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One day, while I was grading a...
One day, while I was grading a road in the foothills, the tractor which I was driving hit a soft shoulder and rolled down an embankment. My body was thrown in the path of the tractor, and I was left in an unconscious state. When I regained consciousness, my first statement to my wife, who had been watching me while I worked, was, "Christian Science all the way."
During the days which followed we held steadfastly to these words of Jesus (John 14:12): "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do." And we trusted Mary Baker Eddy's assurance (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 261), "Hold thought steadfastly to the enduring, the good, and the true, and you will bring these into your experience proportionably to their occupancy of your thoughts."'
As a result of our prayers and those of a practitioner whom we had asked to give me treatment, shock was overcome, and my injuries were healed. These included eight or nine dislocated vertebrae, which caused paralysis, a fracture of the skull, severed ligaments in one arm and the back of my neck, a broken shoulder blade, and facial and back lacerations. All my ribs on one side were broken, and yucca thorns were imbedded in my body.
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July 14, 1962 issue
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Uncovering Plus Overcoming
The Way of Life
Understanding the Nothingness of Error
Joy in the Morning
Mind Enthroned
Helen Wood Bauman
The Efficacy of Righteous Prayer
Ralph E. Wagers
One day, while I was grading a...
Floyd C. Masner with contributions from Marjorie M. Masner
I am grateful that my parents became...
Doris Helene Stern Corry
My blessings have been many as...
Alice Miller
I feel that it is time for me to...
Horace J. Belcher
I was privileged to be brought...
Norma Helena Page
Some years ago, at a time of...
Lois M. Haluska
with contributions from The Christian Science Board of Directors, Board of Trustees, Henry S. Hayward, George Nay, Clara Armitage Brown, Milton Simon