Joy in God's Kingdom

In God's kingdom there is boundless joy. An attempt to find joy outside His kingdom leads to disappointment and despair. To the physical senses the reverse seems to be the case, but the physical senses lie.

Their false concept of man as material is the direct opposite of the real man created by divine Mind in Mind's own image. The counterfeit material mortal man experiences only an illusion of joy through the hypnotic testimony of the physical senses.

Each of us may find joy in the kingdom of God by rejecting the illusion and accepting the real. In the Manual of The Mother Church, Mrs. Eddy gives us the "Daily Prayer," which begins, " 'Thy kingdom come;' let the reign of divine Truth, Life, and Love be established in me, and rule out of me all sin" (Art. VIII, Sect. 4). This prayer, honestly rendered, constitutes a rejection of the illusion of pleasure and pain, a rejection of physical sense testimony, and a welcome for God's government by divine Love.

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July 7, 1962

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