Beautiful demonstrations of the...

Beautiful demonstrations of the abundance of God's care have been ours as we have held to the truth that "divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need" (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, p. 494).

Once my wife and I were down to our last few cents when an unexpected insurance premium provided just the amount of money needed for our living expenses. At another time we were forced to give up the only available apartment in the small town where we lived. My wife was approached by a real estate man whom she hardly knew who had a relative that had a furnished house which had become vacant. He wondered if we could make use of it. The house adequately met our needs.

Referring to instances of healing which she had accomplished through spiritual means alone, Mrs. Eddy writes (ibid., p. 162), "Secretions have been changed, the structure has been renewed, shortened limbs have been elongated, ankylosed joints have been made supple, and carious bones have been restored to healthy conditions."

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Testimony of Healing
While I had known of Christian Science...
August 20, 1960

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