Twenty years ago, in desperate...

Twenty years ago, in desperate ill-health I turned to Christian Science as a last resort. For ten years I had been a victim of tuberculosis in an advanced stage. Most of that time I was bedridden, trying first one cure and then another. Finally I resorted to surgery, but I had little more than temporary relief.

Late in this ten-year period I had seen a friend and her father, through the study and practice of Christian Science, rise from the depths of illness and lack to a degree of health and prosperity which to me seemed miraculous.

These friends, recognizing my great need, invited me to live with them and to join them in their study of Christian Science. I accepted their invitation, and step by step I slowly rose above many of the beliefs by which I had been victimized—superstition, ignorance, and the solid conviction that I was an invalid and always would be one.

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Testimony of Healing
I can never be grateful enough...
December 17, 1960

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