in the year great interest was focused upon the arrival of a baby prince in each of two royal families, one in the Western Hemisphere and one in the Eastern.
are told that unless more classroom and dormitory spare is provided in our colleges and universities, there will not he enough room for those who wish to continue their academic studies.
who are unacquainted with spiritual healing often assume, erroneously of course, that in concerning itself solely with the mentality of the one seeking help, Christian Science ignores the physical body.
SPEAKER: Have you ever heard someone remark, a little enviously perhaps, that it's the other fellow who always gets the breaks—the good jobs, the best opportunities, and so on?
A class of twelve-year-old boys and girls were enthusiastically recounting the daring exploits they had seen in the various media of mass communication of our day.
I can
never be grateful enough that as soon as I found Christian Science I was introduced to the daily study of the Lesson-Sermon, outlined in the Christian Science Quarterly.
I should
like to express deep gratitude for some healings I have received in Christian Science through the help of a devout Christian Science practitioner and my own earnest and sincere efforts.
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