I give this testimony with the...

I give this testimony with the sincere desire that it may bring to others the same inspiration and hope which I have received so many times from the testimonies in our periodicals. For many years I was a member of an orthodox church, but I was unhappy with what it taught. I could not believe that God would cause sickness and death.

When a dear sister who was suffering from serious stomach trouble was given up by eminent physicians who said that they could do no more for her, a neighbor who was a Christian Scientist came over with the Christian Science textbooks, the Bible and Science and Health by Mary Baker Eddy, and told her she did not have to die, because God is Love and Life, and man is His reflection.

My sister was healed in Christian Science at that time. I then gladly took up its study, and so did my mother and other members of our family.

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Testimony of Healing
I am increasingly grateful for the...
June 6, 1959

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