HEALTH is the desire of every mother for her child, of every human being for his loved ones, of every individual for himself. Yet disease, or the depressing fear of it, often seems present in thought. And all the ills that "flesh is heir to" are sometimes favorite topics of conversation.

Mankind often have a wrong concept of health. The constant expectation and recurring experience of disease do not belong in God's creation and are not true of the real man, made in God's image and likeness. Christian Science, which reveals all truth, declares that God and man are not at war; that God is good, all-powerful and all-acting, not weak, not captious, cruel, or inefficient; and that from God man inherits only good.

Before learning the truths of Christian Science, men regard health as the condition of matter. They suppose that matter is selfacting and subject to its own vague and variable laws, some good, some bad, some not yet known. By watching and weighing and drugging their bodies, they struggle to enlist matter's supposed support and keep at bay its seeming evil power. Not so in Christian Science, which acknowledges God as supreme, all-power, the only cause and creator. In the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," Mary Baker Eddy points out in ten words the falsity of the belief in material causation. She writes (p. 120), "Health is not a condition of matter, but of Mind."

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January 19, 1957

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