It is with deep gratitude to God...

It is with deep gratitude to God that I testify to my healings in Christian Science. My first healing occurred over ten years ago, when I had lost all hope of recovery.

For fifteen years I had suffered from a bowel inaction, which developed into acute colitis and finally into dysentery, which could not be stopped except by the use of narcotics. I could not eat anything but purée, and I lived in constant fear of pain and sickness.

After the doctor pronounced my case incurable a friend of my mother's told her of Christian Science and emphasized that it was needless for me to be in such a condition. My mother was induced to consult a practitioner, who agreed to take up the work for me and instructed her to read to me from the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. The next day I was out of bed, and in a few days I had lost all fear of food. In ten days my bowels were functioning normally.

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Testimony of Healing
That Christian Science comforts...
November 20, 1954

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