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"His presence, power, and peace"
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest," is the tender, comforting promise of Jesus (Matt. 11:28). Today the heart of humanity cries out for fulfillment of this promise. The mental casualties of the war may be far in excess of the physical ones, if we include the trials and heartaches of those who remain at home. Humanity has indeed great need of a Comforter.
Christian Science offers the bright promise of assured help in mental, as well as in physical cases. This help comes with the understanding of the healing truth contained in the First Commandment (Ex. 20:3), "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, has written in the textbook. "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 340): "The First Commandment is my favorite text. It demonstrates Christian Science. It inculcates the tri-unity of God. Spirit, Mind; it signifies that man shall have no other spirit or mind but God, eternal good, and that all men shall have one Mind." As the meaning of this truth dawns in individual thought, the mental burden of fear, anxiety, discouragement, or frustration is lifted. Why? Because the false belief that each individual has a separate mind of his own begins to lessen. Then comes to light the healing presence of the divine Mind— man's only Mind.
On the first page of the Preface to Science and Health is found the sentence, "The time for thinkers has come." The first chapter of Genesis states the truth about man, and gives the basis for right thinking: that man is created in the likeness of God. Therefore, man's only source of intelligence is the one Mind: he knows nought of scholastic and empiric knowledge. As one begins to learn that the only Mind is the divine Mind, eternal divine Love, not a human mind within a human body, the belief in a personalized consciousness falls away. Man's divine heritage is to express, through reflection, divine Mind. Our Master. Christ Jesus, said (John 18:37), "To this end was I born, and for this cause came I unto the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth." In reality, man is ever reflecting God in health, joy activity power, peace, and poise.
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September 22, 1945 issue
View Issue-
Destroying the Fetters
Teaching the Bible in the Sunday School
Impediments and Inheritance
"His presence, power, and peace"
Better Healing
The Law of Love
One of Them
Love, Our Shepherd
Strive for Christian Culture!
John Randall Dunn
True Communication versus Untrue Suggestion
Paul Stark Seeley
In the Preface to "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"...
Ruby Bray Kern with contributions from Roy A. Kern
Like many others, I should like...
Jack V. Smith
I became interested in Christian Science...
Helen Sayers
My first consciousness of God...
Wilhelmine Mordhorst
On page 261 of Science and Health...
Gertrude Klos
Approximately twenty-five years...
Frederick Forster Starkey
In "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"...
Etta Grieve White
When I took up the study of...
Marie Whitney with contributions from Gloria Hamel
Speak to Me, Lord
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Eddie Rickenbacker, The Church Editor