restrictions placed on deliveries the last few years have made it almost impossible for anyone to escape doing some errands and carrying some packages.
a Christian Scientist, after listening to the daily calls still coming over the radio for nurses and workers to enlist in the war effort, wonders how he can be of more service to his country.
soil our garments with conservatism, and afterwards we must wash them clean," declares Mary Baker Eddy in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures'".
made of it a thing of God,The desert place;The loved Master soughtThis quiet solitudeWhere he might knowHis heavenly Father,And receive from HimThe strength to carry on.
Churches and societies in Great Britain and Ireland and on the Continent are reminded that applications for lectures should be made by their clerks in June as soon as possible after the names of the lecturers assigned to these countries are announced, following the Annual Meeting of The Mother Church, and not later than July 1.
Vennie May Markle
with contributions from Ada Fay Tuttle
Because I am grateful for the many blessings and beautiful demonstrations I have had during the last fifteen years through the study and application of Christian Science, I should like to add my testimony to the many helpful ones from all over the world that appear in our periodicals.
With great joy and a deep sense of gratitude I wish to tell of the many blessings which I have received through the understanding of God that Christian Science has given me.
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