It is with love and reverence...

It is with love and reverence for Christian Science and what it has done for me that I am giving my testimony.

Twelve years ago I was ill, and my family thought it best for me to go to a sanatorium. Christian Science had just been presented to me, and I thought how wonderful it all was. I had a fear that if I went to the sanatorium I should not be able to go on with my Science, but I consented to go. I had been there only two days when I received a letter from a practitioner who had previously helped me, which took all my fear away. In this letter she said: "No matter where you are, what you know about God no one can take from you. Use what you know each day, and keep right on knowing, because to know God is life."

I found I did have the privilege of reading our textbook Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, and received a beautiful healing of tuberculosis in its last stages. For a few months I was not strong enough to hold my book and read, but I kept in my thought all the good references from the Bible and the textbook which the practitioner had given me, until I awoke one morning to find I was not coughing. I thought to myself, I wonder why I am not coughing? Suddenly the thought came to me, Why, I have had my healing! From that moment I grew stronger and gained very rapidly, and soon thereafter I was discharged and not any of the symptoms have recurred again.

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Testimony of Healing
Christian Science first came to...
February 5, 1944

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