Accepting and Applying Science

The Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," is replete with directive promises of good and health, of freedom and dominion, which Mary Baker Eddy was led of divine wisdom to voice for our guidance and encouragement. One such found on page 249 reads, "Let us accept Science, relinquish all theories based on sense-testimony, give up imperfect models and illusive ideals; and so let us have one God, one Mind, and that one perfect, producing His own models of excellence." Obedience to this instruction enables us to demonstrate conclusively that "the kingdom of heaven is at hand," as Christ Jesus proclaimed and then proved by his healing works. The Master said plainly that he came to do the will of the Father, with whom, the Scripture avows, there "is no variableness, neither shadow of turning." Therefore, it must be God's will now, as it was in Jesus' time, that the deprivations and degradations of material belief be reversed, that the fetters of fear, sin, and sickness be sundered in order that "the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God."

The question naturally arises, How can we realize the healing and liberating power of divine Love which Jesus demonstrated, and how can we feel the vitalizing energy of the Word? The answer to this and to all of humanity's questions may be found in Science and Health, wherein Mrs. Eddy has set forth the Science of Christianity so simply, clearly, and adequately that unnumbered healings of supposedly incurable diseases have been accomplished through study of this God-inspired book. Therein are found the basis and rules for spiritual right thinking, obedience to which enables us to approximate in an encouraging degree the Mind which was in Christ Jesus. It is certain that the Master thought correctly about every situation and condition which confronted him; and Christian Science gives directions as to how we may think as he would think under similar circumstances.

The basically important first step to be taken by any student in the acceptance of Christian Science is to ascertain the truth that God, the divine Principle or governing creator of man and of all reality, is Love, and is, therefore, wholly good in nature and expression. Christian Science teaches the further fact that God is all-pervading Spirit, the infinite, all-knowing Mind, who, according to Scripture, is "of purer eyes than to behold evil," and cannot "look on iniquity." From this premise of perfect creator Christian Science deduces the conclusion that individual man, made in the image and likeness of Spirit, Mind, divine Love, is a spiritually mental being, an individual consciousness, constituted solely of intelligent, harmonious, loving, pure, and perfect ideas. The acceptance of these great truths about God and man naturally enables us to "relinquish all theories based on sense-testimony," and to "give up imperfect models and illusive ideals."

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"The perfume of gratitude"
February 5, 1944

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