Christian Science first came to...

Christian Science first came to my notice in 1931, but I did not accept it till 1933. It was then I attended a Christian Science church for the first time at the invitation of a friend. After the service he lent me his copy of Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy. That night I read about fifty pages, and when he came to my room the following morning I remarked: "If Christian Science can solve one's problems, how about its solving mine? Here I am, able and willing to work and no job." He said: "It will. Let's go see a Christian Science practitioner."

The practitioner was busy, so we went back the next morning at ten, and he gave me a treatment. Then I went to the public library, while my friend went to the hotel. When I met my friend at noon he had a telegram for me from the army engineers requesting that I report for work at once. I had taken an examination seven months before and forgotten about it.

To receive a position in two hours' time after being out of steady employment for two years was so wonderful to me that I took up the study of Christian Science in earnest. The first physical healing, which came soon afterwards, was of ivy poisoning from which I had suffered each summer for over twenty years. A disposition to take colds, catarrh of the head, and severe headaches also vanished, as did many unlovely traits of character. Christian Science was invaluable to me in finishing the work toward my college degree, after having left college a number of years before.

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The Living Christ
February 5, 1944

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