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To Victory through Obedience
The desire of every true Christian Scientist is for victory; for the triumph of good over evil. Truth over error, Love over hate, Mind over matter, and Life over death. He endeavors to prove his dominion, step by step, through the apprehension of the allness of God, good, and of the nothingness of error. He knows that a clear realization of the omnipresence of good reveals the unreality of evil. Holding to the truth that God is omnipotent, supreme, he proves evil to be powerless. While declaring that God is the one all-knowing Mind, he firmly denies that error, or mortal mind, has any intelligence or initiative with which to plan or to execute any wrong purpose. He reasons rightly that since God is omniaction, false material sense cannot operate.
Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, writes in '"Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 468), "All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all." And in Deuteronomy we read, "The Lord he is God; there is none else beside him." The eternal fact of God's infinitude and of man as God's image and likeness is the basic rule by which the healing works are accomplished in Christian Science.
God was very near to the spiritual thinkers and leaders of Bible times. They listened for His voice, the voice of Truth speaking to the inward ear, and they talked with Him. His commandments were recognized by them as the law and when they obeyed these commandments, they were successful in their undertakings.
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May 29, 1943 issue
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The Source of Individual Life and Power
"Infinity's reflection"
"The higher truth lifts her voice"
To Victory through Obedience
Practicing Christian Science
Man Not in the Storm
Paul Stark Seeley
Our Spiritual Existence
Evelyn F. Heywood
Introductions to Lectures
with contributions from Glenn L. Perrigo, Gladys A. Thomas, Maud G.Budlong, Margaret L. Norman, Strange Jacob Palmer
Committee on Publication for South Carolina Reports
with contributions from James Reid
Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer...
Marguerite Dutton Caldwell
I became dissatisfied with the...
Jane E. Adam
From reading how Christ Jesus...
George W. Jones
With a deep desire to share the...
Jessye Tucker with contributions from O. E. Tucker
Christian Science was first presented...
Henrietta Charlton
With a deep sense of gratitude...
Arthur Macy Lukens
Everything good that has come...
Ruth Slipp Browne
God Speaks to Me
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Fred A. Line, Josephus Daniels, O. R. Warford, Reginald E. Luman, L. B. Ashby, Elwood A. Rowsey