the opinion of an internationally known writer, the outcome of the present world conflict is dependent on two factors: the possession of natural resources and their utilization in the production, transportation, and intelligent use of needed weapons and supplies.
a changing material world, where reason and liberty are in some quarters weakened and hindered by the imposition of racial or national theories, it is borne in on us that when hostilities cease we shall be of necessity on the threshold of moral rehabilitation and reconstruction.
human hopes delude and joys deceive,When storms of mortal sense confound and bliss beguiles,When sunny gardens seem but barren isles,Awake! The senses ever falsely thus aggrieveAnd strive to make mendacities astound.
the earth mission of Jesus was drawing to a close, he comforted his disciples, saying: "Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God believe also in me.
anxious hearts beat fast and yearn to knowHow loved ones fare and in what lands they dwell,In deep humility we learn to bowBefore that reassuring, "It is well.
serviceman who assured a dear one that he was as safe as a good thought, saw something of the spiritual fact that real manhood is not made up of matter.
To ensure that complete lecture notices be printed in the Sentinel, detailed information should reach the Journal, Sentinel, and Herald Editorial Department regarding lectures in the United States and Canada at least seven weeks before the date of the lecture; elsewhere, eight or ten weeks before.
In the course of the twenty-five years which have passed since I first began the study of Christian Science I have experienced or witnessed gratefully many beautiful instances of the healing and protecting power of Christian Science both in my home and in my business.
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