a little child left for the first time in a Christian Science Sunday School seems overcome by the fear that he has been separated from love, joy, home, and security because the father and mother who expressed these qualities to him are out of his sight.
Christian Scientists
who find themselves in battle zones know that all questions of personal safety are answered through a correct understanding of God and man.
Alexander S. Milne, Committee on Publication for the Northern and Eastern Districts, India,
Would you be kind enough to afford space for this letter, in order to correct any wrong impression of Christian Science which a recent leading article may have given?
Miss Elizabeth S. Young, Committee on Publication for Westmorland, England, in the Westmorland Gazette, Kendall]
In a recent issue there is a reference to Christian Science which gives the impression that Christian Scientists, as such, would claim exemption from military service on the grounds of conscientious objection.
In commenting on our international daily newspaper, one editor receiving The Christian Science Monitor on the exchange-for-advertising basis wrote: "We shall be pleased to have the Monitor on the 'exchange' basis.
Scriptural statement that "he [God] spake, and it was done," and the somewhat similar statement, also from Psalms, "He uttered his voice, the earth melted," have been of much interest to Bible students, even though they have been regarded commonly as referring only to the remote past or future.
with such gifts of leadership as David posessed, placed in a position where his will to display them and his power to enforce them were practically supreme, the king of Israel yet retained that which preserved him from the fate of the tyrant and dictator.
The closing date for the receipt of applications for membership in The Mother Church is now approximately one month in advance of the date of the admission instead of two weeks as heretofore.
When I began the study of Christian Science by reading "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," it did not escape my attention that the author, Mary Baker Eddy, disapproved of the use of tobacco.
For more than eighteen years I have enjoyed the blessings of Christian Science, and the time has come when I can no longer delay my expression of gratitude to God for our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, who has opened the way for us to find more abundant life through the understanding of the Bible.
Because of deep gratitude for God's wonderful goodness, and for the many blessings which my family and I have received since beginning the study of Christian Science over twenty years ago, I should like to give this testimony regarding the healing of our daughter.
The printed Tenets of The Mother Church are in general use by branch churches and societies, either as a basis for their application forms for admission to membership or for binding into their by-law booklets.
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