Practical Demonstration

Consecration to Truth is manifested in righteous activity, spiritual healing, or demonstration of the presence and power of God. Religious ecstasy, "excellency of speech," and mere study of the letter of Christian Science are not substitutes for unselfed devotion, actual accomplishments, and practical proofs of the healing and regenerative power of Christian Science. Our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, writes in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 28), "While respecting all that is good in the Church or out of it, one's consecration to Christ is more on the ground of demonstration than of profession." Demonstration is essential; it proves to the world and suffering humanity that Christian Science is practical.

Consecration to Truth, in thought, purpose, and action, is requisite to progress. The Bible is replete with accounts of lives devoted to the cause of righteousness. In obedience to divine guidance, the faithful Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem and rebuilt the wall which had been broken down. With the affirmation and realization of truth, and the denial of error, he pressed on. He did not permit his work to be interrupted or impaired by the subtle and persistent arguments of evil. True consecration to Truth does not fear or compromise with evil, but detects it and proves its nothingness.

A practical and scientific purpose is clearly defined in Jesus' reply to Pilate, "To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth." Jesus fulfilled this noble purpose. He revealed and demonstrated the Christ, Truth, healed sin, sickness, and death, proved the eternality of Life and the nothingness of material existence.

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Overcoming Confusion of Thought
May 13, 1939

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