I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude for many blessings...

I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude for many blessings experienced in my home since Christian Science was introduced to me by a friend. My thanks go out to our dear Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, who, through prayerful and consistent study of the Bible, was inspired to give to the world the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures."

Before hearing of Christian Science, I had had three attacks of serious illness, each lasting many weeks, and diagnosed by several doctors as gallstone and nerve trouble. I had much medical treatment and I tried a change of climate, but obtained no permanent relief. Then the same friend told me she was getting much good from Christian Science, and my wife and I started to attend services held by a group of Christian Scientists in the town. Shortly afterwards, a fourth severe attack occurred. This time I decided to try Christian Science. A request for help was telephoned to a practitioner sixty miles away, and absent treatment was commenced. In two days I was back at work, healed; and I have not had any further attacks in the ensuing six years. No words of mine could ever tell the gratitude I feel for this release from suffering.

Over two years ago, one of my daughters was gravely ill for a week. The attending physician had given drugs until he dared not administer more, but she continued in such agony that she frequently became delirious. Neither my daughter nor her husband was interested in Christian Science at that time, but, being sure that Christian Science could help, with their consent I walked about a mile and telephoned the practitioner who had helped me, asking him to treat my daughter. When I arrived home about an hour later, she was sitting up in bed taking refreshment, the pain all gone. Next morning all the effects of the drugs had gone, too, and my daughter was up and about as usual. She has had no return of the trouble.

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July 2, 1938

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