After enjoying the priceless privilege of Christian Science...

After enjoying the priceless privilege of Christian Science for a period of years, and receiving much good form reading the testimonies of healing, I too should like to add my testimony of gratitude for the good received through its ministrations.

Seventeen Years ago I was in a town in the Middle West, dissatisfied with my life as it was then, and a constant sufferer from different diseases which drugs and medical attention had failed to relieve. One symptom the doctors said pointed to cancer, and advised an operation as a temporary means of relief; but they did not give me any hope of permanent cure. They also advised traveling and ways of amusement to occupy my time until the disease took its supposed course.

I was very despondent and discouraged, also dissatisfied with my church teaching, and I asked for a letter of withdrawal, going out not knowing where. I had been of a religious nature, and loved to study the Bible, trusting in its promises as far as I could understand. At times I would declare that sometime and in some place there were better things for me than sickness and suffering. Thanks be to God and Christian Science, I have arrived at that place at last. At the doctor's advice, I took a trip to visit a relative, who, on seeing my condition, asked me to take up the study of Christian Science and presented me with "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. In my weakened condition I could not hold the book to read, but would let it lie beside me and read only a few lines at a time. On page 20 I read these lines: "He [Jesus] knew that men can be baptized, partake of the Eucharist, support the clergy, observe the Sabbath, make long prayers, and yet be sensual and sinful." To me this was a wonderful statement, as I had tried to meet these requirements for a number of years, only to find that I was not living up to what I thought a Christian life should be. After reading for some time I lost all desire for drugs, which I had been taking daily and hourly; and I have not taken any since, but have relied wholly on Christian Science, and it has never failed.

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Testimony of Healing
In the Manual of The Mother Church (Art. VIII, Sect. 24),...
February 20, 1937

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