Christ Jesus
said, "Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things," and our Leader defines "Elias" in part as "Christian Science, with which can be discerned the spiritual fact of whatever the material senses behold".
is a little plant, found in some of the western and southern states, which is called the compass plant, because no matter what the weather may be, it always turns the edges of its leaves toward the north and south.
I have
so often thought of him—That man of old who was born blind,Who never once had seen the dawnPour down the dusky purple hillsLike liquid gold spilled slowly fromThe brimming goblet of the sun;Who never once had watched unfoldThe petaled beauty of a flower,Or seen the pearly lovelinessA new moon forms against the night.
Jay Benjamin F. Showalter, former Committee on Publication for the State of Kansas,
In the very interesting letter written under date of April 15, and published in full in the Gazette, June 2, 1936, there is a statement referring to Christian Science that is entirely erroneous and misleading.
Richard B. Corridon, Acting Committee on Publication for Northern and Eastern Districts, India,
If your correspondent is genuinely anxious to discover for himself what Christian Science is, he cannot do better than attend the religious service held at eleven o'clock every Sunday morning at the Masonic Hall, Simla.
William James Huckerby, Committee on Publication for Warwickshire, England,
The article entitled "Health Hints" by your medical correspondent contains a reference which may mislead your readers by confusing Christian Science with suggestion.
We shall never know our strength until it be put to the test, and then His strength is made perfect in our weakness and we learn from humility the might of divine Truth and Love.
about this time many branch churches hold meetings for the election of members of their official boards of trustees or directors, and in some instances of church Readers also.
A Christian Science church in a western city has been experiencing an increase in membership after a period of years during which the number of applications for membership had been decreasing.
While still a member of another church, though no longer active in its work, I had been reading the Lesson-Sermons in the Christian Science Quarterly daily for more than a year, and depending on Christian Science for healing for almost as long.
I came into the beautiful religion of Christian Science twelve years ago, before the birth of our son, after a statement made by a physician that I would experience great difficulty in childbirth.
Since I have been receiving the blessings of Christian Science for twenty-five years, it is time a testimony was forthcoming acknowledging these blessings.
The Tenets of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, for the use of branch Churches of Christ, Scientist, are printed on sheets containing space for adding the application forms for membership in branch organizations, or extracts from their by-laws.
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