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Twenty years ago I came to Christian Science for healing...
Twenty years ago I came to Christian Science for healing of what was considered a chronic digestive disorder. For many years I had tried to find relief from suffering through materia medica, osteopathy, chiropractic, calisthenics, dieting, fasting, and for two years through the use of a stomach tube. After all of these material remedies had failed, I turned to Christian Science as a last resort.
Several years prior to this time, my sister had been healed of a nervous disorder through Christian Science treatment. However, I felt that all she had needed was a change of thought, and it did not then occur to me that here was a truth which could heal my physical trouble. It was only after I witnessed the healing of a friend who had chosen Christian Science treatment in preference to an operation for goiter that I began to think of this Science for myself.
When I finally decided to turn away from material remedies, I was in a strange city where I knew no Christian Scientist. I went to a Christian Science Reading Room and asked for the name of a practitioner. The names of several living near me were furnished, and I borrowed a copy of Science and Health. This was on a Saturday, and when I called a practitioner she said she could not see me until the following Tuesday. While I felt a sense of disappointment at the time, I have ever been grateful for the proof of God's guidance which came to me through this experience. I had been a very active worker in an orthodox church, but for more than a year I had attended no church because I had failed to find the spiritual satisfaction for which I longed. I was particularly puzzled about the efficacy of audible prayer and had come to feel that while there must be a God I should never be able to find Him. On the Sunday following my phone call to the practitioner I read from the little book I had borrowed from the Reading Room. In the wonderful chapter entitled "Prayer" I found the answer to my questions about prayer. As a result of this awakening, when I visited the practitioner on Tuesday my thought was ready to accept the truth she had to offer, and I left her home completely healed.
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April 25, 1936 issue
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"Loose him, and let him go"
Profitable Lessons
"Unsought joy"
The Father's House
In your February 21 issue you printed an item captioned...
Carl Walter Gehring, former Committee on Publication for the State of Ohio,
Christian Science is defined by Mrs. Eddy on page 1 of...
Charles W. J. Tennant, District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
Glad Tidings of Great Joy
From a letter dated 1892
Emphasizing Essentials
George Shaw Cook
"He put them all out"
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Jeanne Louisa Frye, Martha H. Mason
With a heart full of profound gratitude I give this testimony
Maude J. Rucker
I am most grateful for the spiritual unfoldment of Truth...
Sophie I. Clark
Twenty years ago I came to Christian Science for healing...
Jessie P. Brokaw
For more than twenty-five years I have known the blessing...
Mattie Louise Wallace
I have been a student of Christian Science for the past...
Genevieve Moore
I first heard of Christian Science about 1902, and thought...
J. Harry Williams
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Chalmers C. White, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., R. J. Elwood