who has learned something of the facts of existence as taught in Christian Science, and practices what he knows in his daily duties, soon realizes that his experiences can be made steppingstones to a wider, deeper understanding of God and man.
little ones were happily playing one summer morning when an older child appeared and for some reason, unknown to the onlooker, gave one of the little ones a resounding blow on the cheek.
, under the intrepid leadership of Nehemiah, the walls and gates of Jerusalem had been rebuilt, the people gathered together to hear reading from "the book of the law of Moses.
belief that certain material advantages are essential to one's success, and that the lack of them is a serious handicap, may hinder many young people.
Mrs. Edith M. Ross, Committee on Publication for Hertfordshire, England,
In your issue of March 23 a letter entitled "Attendance at Church" is published, in which the writer speaks appreciatively of the "beautiful side of the Gospel teaching, that of the love of God and its healing power," which is insisted upon in the teachings of Christian Science.
Carl Walter Gehring, Committee on Publication for the State of Ohio,
In your issue of February 22, regarding House Bill 221 introduced into the General Assembly, you state that this bill proposed to permit "persons in the practice of the religious tenets of their church to administer to the sick or afflicted by prayer and spiritual means and without the use of material medicine.
Percy H:sson Tamm, Committee on Publication for Sweden,
Under the heading of "Questions and Answers" in your esteemed paper appeared the following: "Question: Is Christian Science built on the Bible or has it anything in common with spiritualism?
Raymond N. Harley, Committee on Publication for Transvaal, South Africa,
In your issue of Monday last there appears an excerpt from the New York Times entitled "Doctor Praises Neurotics" which gives the gist of a speech by Dr.
O Swift-Winged
seraphim!Today a live coal from Love's altarLay upon our lipsThat we may findNo utterance for thoughts unkind,No false reports of sinful senseDenying God's omnipotence.
During the past year The Mother Church has, with success, tested out the plan of reserving, until ten minutes before the lecture on Christian Science begins, a block of seats for the use of strangers.
I should like to take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude for what Christian Science has done for me and for those with whom I come in daily contact.
I have been helped so often by reading the testimonies in the Christian Science periodicals that I feel I should tell of my healings that others may be helped to appreciate the healing which results from a true knowledge of God and man, as set forth in Science and Health by Mrs.
During the last twenty years I have experienced many healings in Christian Science, which I feel prompted to share as I remember the help I have received from reading testimonies in the Journal and Sentinel.
I have only to pause to consider the great changes which Christian Science has wrought in my human experience to be filled with humble, heartfelt gratitude.
"The years that the locust hath eaten" truly have been restored to me in Christian Science, to which I finally came in my search for the soul-satisfying truth, not having found it in the many writings of philosophers, nor being content with the explanations the ministers gave of the seeming contradictions in the Bible.
While yet a beginner in the study of Christian Science I was healed of very painful and frequent headaches by reading and clinging to the truth, as set forth by Mrs.
I am sincerely grateful for our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, and for what her self-sacrificing life has brought to all humanity, her followers in particular; also for the Board of Directors of The Mother Church, who are carrying on our Leader's inspiration in varied activities, and for our literature, which has proved to be so helpful.
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