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For twenty years Christian Science has brought me...
For twenty years Christian Science has brought me peace, comfort, and healing; increasingly so, when I have learned to see and understand that the time spent in the working out of problems is a growing time, which adds to my store of blessings. In the words of our beloved Leader (Science and Health, p. 66), "Trials are proofs of God's care."
A short time ago the opportunity and necessity came for proving the power and presence of Mind over matter. A growth manifested itself on one of my eyes. I paid little attention to it at first, but when more than a month passed and it was still there in larger form, I became very fearful. One day, in rubbing the eye, I discovered two lumps under the surface, though I never looked at them. No consistent work had been done, and companions at work began to notice and speak of the error, even approaching me to "take a good look!" I kindly avoided them and never discussed or even mentioned it to them, though I became more troubled and fearful; so much so that I asked a practitioner to help me. After ten days there seemed no improvement and I felt that I could have no more treatment; but I did a great deal of thinking, for I knew that it was impossible not to receive some benefit from every Christian Science treatment, and I also became conscious that I was looking for a material change. In this honest searching I soon realized, and with what joy, that every vestige of the fear was gone. It no longer worried me to look into the mirror when necessary. For this I was very grateful, and I immediately began to see more clearly how to help myself in this new freedom.
Just at this time I heard a beautiful Christian Science lecture, from which I gleaned this spiritual truth, that there is not a place as big as the point of a pin in all the universe where good does not exist. Then there was no room for this seeming error! That same week my sister heard a lecture and brought another spiritual truth to my awakening consciousness, that error is a mistake and can always be corrected. The next day I found this statement confirmed in our Leader's words in her short article entitled "Rectifications" in "Unity of Good" (p. 20). All of these truths combined, linked themselves into a treatment that filled my need. Remembering that Mrs. Eddy says, "If you fall asleep, actually conscious of the truth of Christian Science,—namely, that man's harmony is no more to be invaded than the rhythm of the universe,—you cannot awake in fear or suffering of any sort" (Retrospection and Introspection, p. 61), I endeavored to fill my consciousness with these truths and to do exactly as she said, night after night. I have no recollection when I ceased to do this, or when the healing came; but one day, I realized that my complete freedom had come and the physical manifestation was healed, because fear had been destroyed and confidence in good had taken its place.
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November 30, 1935 issue
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"Give me a man"
A Clear Title
Our True Independence
Notwithstanding the Verdict
Love, the Liberator
Little Services
Misunderstanding Overcome
Removing the Mask
Christian Science is the religion of Christ Jesus and...
George Channing, Committee on Publication for Northern California, in the
In the Telegraph of September 29 reference was made to...
Mrs. Florence S. Smith, Committee on Publication for Queensland, Australia,
Your correspondent quotes from the Christian Science...
Gordon William Flower, Committee on Publication for Gloucestershire, England,
Defending Our Birthright
Violet Ker Seymer
The Kingdom of Heaven
George Shaw Cook
The Lectures
with contributions from Claude A. Carr, Ruth E. Slade, Roland P. Place, Noel Harding Bible, Mabel Louise Dew, Charles Theodore Houpt
Before I became interested in Christian Science, I visited...
Fred A. Yoerk with contributions from Mabel E. Yoerk
I should like to express my deepest gratitude for the...
Eugenie von Stieda
In appreciation of the years during which I have received...
Herbert E. Weeghman
Over four years ago I had a severe nervous breakdown
Jane Kathleen Mary Thorne
For twenty years Christian Science has brought me...
Frances Frederick
On page 366 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"...
Mabel E. Fooshee
I did not come into Christian Science for a physical healing
Benjamin F. Horowitz
In gratitude to God for the ways which He has used to...
Florence Jones
Christian Science has proved such a great blessing to me...
Minnie K. Warner
O Heart of Mine
Signs of the Times
with contributions from W. Grayson Birch, E. Roy Myers, Edwin Lewis, Robert Scott Inglis