who love Christian Science want to see its beneficial influence extended as far and as fast as is consistent with Mary Baker Eddy's wise provisions for promoting and protecting its stately operations.
while walking in the busy section of a city, a student of Christian Science overheard one person saying to another, "Of course, the boy is bad-tempered and greedy, just like his father; it's a family affair!"
of the great lessons of Christian Science is the lesson of the persistency of man's true selfhood which was demonstrated for us all in the life of the Master.
summer evening, a student of Christian Science gratefully accepted the invitation of some friends to ride home from a suburb in the rumble seat of their car.
me to love, Forget illusive wrongs;Teach me to praise With grateful, joyous songs;Teach me to think A gracious, kindly way,Teach me, dear God, In Love alone to stay.
William K. Primrose, Assistant to the District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
In reply to a letter on Christian Science from another correspondent, may I say that it is incorrect to describe Christian Science as primarily an American religion.
Mrs. Dorothy Hoskyn, former Committee on Publication for the South Island, New Zealand,
In the article published by you on September 12, Christian Science is described as being "in direct descent from Mesmer's teaching," in common with spiritualism, hypnotism, and psychoanalysis.
who regards himself as a complex human personality, combining good and bad traits, advantages, and handicaps, is apt to be disappointed with life in general, with himself, and with others.
is an old saying to the effect that it takes two to make a quarrel, and it is obvious that if one of two persons who seem likely to become involved in a quarrel calmly refuses to become a party to it, there will be no quarrel.
In response to requests from the Field, the Trustees under the Will of Mary Baker Eddy have authorized the publication of "Unity of Good and Other Writings" and "Christian Healing and Other Writings" in blue and brown morocco, uniform in size and style with the standard pocket edition of Science and Health.
Many years ago I took up the study of Christian Science, and the many blessings that have since been my portion I now understand to have come according to my willingness to "abide by the rule of perpetual harmony,—God's law".
My very earliest memories are of stories of the Bible, but as I approached the age of nine, there came a realization that our lives did not follow the life of Jesus, for I was ill and under the doctor's care much of the time.
With sincere gratitude for many blessings, and a heart full of love for God and our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, I find great pleasure in acknowledging the benefits which have come to me through Christian Science.
up the eye and gratitude express;Seek now with prayer thy brother man to bless;In quiet meditate on God's command;Find in God's law the writing of His hand.
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