the spiritual concept of Church grows clearer to our consciousness, as set forth in the beautiful and inspired definition given us by our Leader in the Glossary of Science and Health.
the writer was walking along a familiar track recently, and reasoning upon certain matters, his thought was diverted to notice that his eyes were, most of the time, directed to the ground a few yards in front of him.
hear a note of regret voiced many times by those who have not had the advantages of an education, either of public school or of college, because they feel that this education would have been an asset to them in their life-work.
To fast is not to grieve with downcast look;To fast is to reject the carnal mindWith all its hates, and fears, and empty pride,Deceptive, wrong desires that do enslave.
Ernest L. Buchanan, Committee on Publication for the Province of Manitoba, Canada,
The syndicated article entitled "Enemies of Society," reprinted in a recent issue of your paper, contains some erroneous statements about Christian Science which I desire to correct.
me, O God, a clearer, fuller vision,That I may see through mists of false belief,And in Thy light know Spirit's omnipresence,Wherein man dwells secure from fear and grief.
Christ Jesus' works are considered, it is quite natural that there should come to thought the many remarkable healings of "all manner of sickness and all manner of disease," the giving of sight to the blind and hearing to the deaf, the feeding of the multitudes and the overcoming of death for others and finally for himself.
The Trustees under the Will of Mary Baker Eddy announce the publication on July 30 of the translation of "Retrospection and Introspection" into the German language.
Testimonies of healings brought about at authorized lectures on Christian Science will be published in The Christian Science Journal or the Christian Science Sentinel, when verified as are other testimonies appearing in the periodicals.
In our family healings through Christian Science have been many and varied, some of which were of sprains, heart trouble, smallpox, measles, broken bones, hemorrhoids, tuberculosis, impetigo, acute appendicitis, influenza, and painless childbirth.
I wish to express my gratitude to God, to Christ Jesus, the Way-shower, and to Mary Baker Eddy, who has given to us the real understanding of our Father-Mother God, and of ourselves as the Father's perfect ideas.
In deepest gratitude to God, infinite good, for the glorious revelation of Christian Science and its healing power, through our beloved Leader, I wish to testify to the innumerable blessings I have received through following its teachings.
, send Thy light! so sped the humble prayer,That suffering sense of darkness might be healed;The loving grace of God the need suppliedAs to the waiting thought came Truth, revealed.
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