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Previous to my becoming a student of Christian Science I...
Previous to my becoming a student of Christian Science I accepted material sense testimony as absolute. Materia medica was my frequent and only recourse for all physical trouble. As a result my health was very uncertain and I was quite unhappy. Suffering at this time from stomach trouble, accompanied by severe attacks of cramp, and realizing that medicine had failed, I turned to Christian Science for help. By the ministrations of this marvelous truth I had seen members of my family healed of serious conditions, which in fact were called incurable, so I thought I would try it. I was completely healed in one treatment by a practitioner. This healing occurred over twenty years ago and has remained permanent. It aroused my interest and I took up the study of this Science in earnest, and have been more than repaid for the time so spent.
One of the most gratifying healings I have received from this study is the complete freedom from a sense of depression which at times made me feel that my life was a failure and that I had nothing to live for. However, I learned that "in him [God] we live, and move, and have our being," and to the extent that this was realized my freedom was gained. I have also experienced healings of a so-called minor nature, such as of headaches and results of accidents. A rather severe cut on the head, received while I was doing some electrical work near the roof of a building, was healed in a few minutes, and to the surprise of my coworkers I returned to my work and finished the day's assignment.
Above all I am grateful for a better understanding of God, a fuller realization of His nearness and allness, which casts out fear and so enables one to work out more quickly and effectively the problems that present themselves. Through these many years I have gained an absolute conviction that Christian Science is the truth and can meet our every need. I am realizing more and more how much I owe to Mrs. Eddy for her fidelity to Principle and her perseverance in bringing this wonderful revelation to this age that all may avail themselves of its infinite blessings. I shall continue my endeavor to be worthy of the name "Christian Scientist."
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September 16, 1933 issue
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"Chiselling to higher excellence"
Envoys of The Mother Church
True Attraction
The Christian Science Reading Room
The Prayer of Salvation
Following the Crowd
Clean through the Word
In the report of your issue of February 3 of the third...
William K. Primrose,
In your issue of January 6 appears a letter which...
Arthur E. F. Court,
An article entitled "The Extraordinary Case of Mary Baker Eddy,"...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California
From the Field
with contributions from George MacDonald
"Sin and penalty"
Duncan Sinclair
The Grace of God
W. Stuart Booth
The Lectures
with contributions from Gertrude Hammond, Earl E. Simms, Nellie A. Montgomery, Henry Rex Paxton, Robert W. Fromme, Johanna Caprez, Dorothy Dellano Rumage, Rufus Ira Andrews, Thomas A. White
Previous to my becoming a student of Christian Science I...
William Collins Singley
The wonderful teachings of Christian Science came into...
Charles Eddy Van Camp
For some time I have had a desire to voice my gratitude...
Florence Edith Copestake
I am indeed most thankful to be able to testify to the...
Rhea C. McIntosh
I wish to express my gratitude for all that Christian Science...
D. A. Emily Mason
Christian Science came to us at a time when all earthly...
Joseph Judd Pope with contributions from Annette Alice Pope
I wish to express my gratitude for Christian Science by...
Mable S. Frost
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Dean Harry Beal, F. Bate, John Baillie