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Envoys of The Mother Church
In one of our standard dictionaries an "envoy" is defined in part as "one dispatched upon an errand or mission; a commissioner; a messenger." In our day the eyes of the nations are constantly being turned towards conferences of worldwide import. Each envoy presents the views, the problems, and the difficulties of his own country, and seeks at the table of a common brotherhood to find help and perhaps a complete and satisfactory solution of these problems.
Each Christian Scientist may look upon himself or herself as such an envoy. Can we not feel that it is part of what Mrs. Eddy refers to as "the universal charge wherewith divine Love has entrusted us" (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 155)? What are we representing? We are representing the organization of The Mother Church. It is in utilizing the truth underlying this organization that our protection from every kind of evil lies. Only as we are alert and active members of this organization can we adequately represent the great Cause for which we stand. This Cause is designed to bring "glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." The birth of the human Jesus, who was to bring the Christ to human consciousness, was heralded by this song of peace and good will to mankind. As envoys of this great Cause we are enjoined to claim this benediction for the world. To be good envoys we must first love and understand the Cause which we represent. We must see that we are active and alert, not slothful and negative. Jesus said, "He that is not with me is against me." In these words there is indeed a clarion call.
Christian Science emphasizes the great need for individual reformation; and this is needed in order that stability and certainly may accompany concerted action. Therefore individually we have today received a call to be more alert members of The Mother Church; more loyal and active workers; more zealous in the performance of the injunction: "As ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils." It is only as each individual accepts these tasks that the law of God can be universally established on earth and rule all mankind. The establishment of the knowledge of the healing presence of the Christ alone will still strife. Each one who obeys the Master's injunction is contributing in untold measure towards the establishment of peace on the earth, for no right effort has any limitation to its accomplishment. That which is of God has a divine impetus, for it has omnipotence behind it; and no condition of human thinking can stay it or say unto it, "What doest thou?" It will frustrate every challenge of error with the mandate of an omnipotent divine decree.
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September 16, 1933 issue
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"Chiselling to higher excellence"
Envoys of The Mother Church
True Attraction
The Christian Science Reading Room
The Prayer of Salvation
Following the Crowd
Clean through the Word
In the report of your issue of February 3 of the third...
William K. Primrose,
In your issue of January 6 appears a letter which...
Arthur E. F. Court,
An article entitled "The Extraordinary Case of Mary Baker Eddy,"...
Albert E. Lombard, Committee on Publication for Southern California
From the Field
with contributions from George MacDonald
"Sin and penalty"
Duncan Sinclair
The Grace of God
W. Stuart Booth
The Lectures
with contributions from Gertrude Hammond, Earl E. Simms, Nellie A. Montgomery, Henry Rex Paxton, Robert W. Fromme, Johanna Caprez, Dorothy Dellano Rumage, Rufus Ira Andrews, Thomas A. White
Previous to my becoming a student of Christian Science I...
William Collins Singley
The wonderful teachings of Christian Science came into...
Charles Eddy Van Camp
For some time I have had a desire to voice my gratitude...
Florence Edith Copestake
I am indeed most thankful to be able to testify to the...
Rhea C. McIntosh
I wish to express my gratitude for all that Christian Science...
D. A. Emily Mason
Christian Science came to us at a time when all earthly...
Joseph Judd Pope with contributions from Annette Alice Pope
I wish to express my gratitude for Christian Science by...
Mable S. Frost
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Dean Harry Beal, F. Bate, John Baillie