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On Joyful Wing
HOW beautiful the swift flight of a bird sweeping aloft on joyful wing! How aptly it symbolizes that spiritual elevation and freedom which the understanding of Christian Science brings to the human consciousness, lifting it upward and Godward, as it were, on wings of joy! This joyousness is not, however, mere emotionalism, for it is born of a perception of the allness of God, His ever-presence and infinite goodness, and is in no way contingent on the evidence of the physical senses.
In various passages Mary Baker Eddy refers to birds and wings metaphorically to point some metaphysical fact. She writes in her Message to The Mother Church for 1901 (p. 2), "Only a firm foundation in Truth can give a fearless wing and a sure reward." Obviously, then, the Christian Scientist must base his thinking on the firm foundation of Truth—the allness of God, good, and the nothingness of evil—that he may rise on "fearless wing" to mental heights of security and peace. Is not the "fearless wing" also the joyful wing? This upward soaring of consciousness, with its attendant gladness, is a vital element in the demonstration of Christian Science, for it betokens trust in Truth and faith in divine Love, and enables one to give thanks even before the visible manifestations of healing and liberation appear. Our Master, Christ Jesus, not only expressed this quality in abundant measure, but also expected his students and followers to do so. Hear his words: "These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full." Sustained joy breaks the mesmerism of fear, doubt, and defeat. But one cannot attain this consciousness if he persists in gazing intently at the evidence of the senses, whether it be disease, sin, discord, or lack. There must be a resolute turning away from matter and an earnest facing towards Spirit and spiritual ideas. There must be trustful acceptance of Mrs. Eddy's assurance, given in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 261), "Fixing your gaze on the realities supernal, you will rise to the spiritual consciousness of being, even as the bird which has burst from the egg and preens its wings for a skyward flight."
The increasing perception of the allness of Spirit, God, brings release from the restricting effects of fear and progressively liberates one from the thralldom of the carnal mind. In the rarefied atmosphere of divine Mind, one may glimpse the true facts of his being. This mental process is neither vague nor visionary, for, being based on divine Principle and spiritual law, it leads to the solution of daily problems.
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November 19, 1932 issue
View Issue-
Thanksgiving Proclamation
with contributions from Herbert Hoover, Henry L. Stimson
The Day of Thanksgiving
Effectual Prayer
Christian Science and Conscience
On Joyful Wing
Meeting Error as Its Master
True Compassion
God's Minutemen
Man's Changeless Harmony
In Folket for August 21 and September 4 a doctor has...
Nils A. T. Lerche, Committee on Publication for Norway,
A news item in your issue of March 24 stated in substance...
William K. Kitchen, Committee on Publication for the State of New Jersey,
May I make one or two remarks with reference to the...
Mrs. Mary Blanch Jones, Committee on Publication for Gloucestershire, England,
The remarkable growth of Christian Science is often a...
Excerpts from an Address given by Charles W. J. Tennant, District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great British and Ireland, to the Leytonstone Branch of Toc H League of Women Helpers,
God, the Giver of All Good
Duncan Sinclair
A Perfect Heart
Violet Ker Seymer
Items of Interest
with contributions from Hawaii
The Lectures
with contributions from Louis J. Bagley, Doris H. Dawson, Emmy Blaser
With a deep sense of gratitude I should like to tell of...
Allen Oakes with contributions from Fanny Oakes
While in a Christian Science practitioner's office I was...
Ethel S. Davis with contributions from Arthur H. Davis
Four years ago on Thanksgiving Day I was in a Christian Science...
Lucia Hopfe Thorl
My husband and I have known of the benefits of Christian Science...
Ruth S. Starrett with contributions from Howard M. Starrett
It is with a heart full of gratitude that I desire to testify...
Thomas T. Warren
I have derived so much benefit from reading the testimonies...
Matilda J. Cryderman
I have been interested in Christian Science for over six...
Marta S. Widell
I wish to express my gratitude for what Christian Science...
Mary Ann Kirby
For the revelation of Truth and the spiritual joy which...
Stella R. Turner
In the spring of 1929 I was stricken with an illness which...
Grace R. Thomas with contributions from John M. Thomas
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Daniel W. Lamont, Harold W. Haynes