It was not the need for physical healing which led me...

It was not the need for physical healing which led me to investigate Christian Science, but an earnest desire for a happy reconciliation in a certain family relationship. Honestly examining my problem in the light of this new-found truth, I early saw much in my own consciousness which needed correction. As I studied and applied this teaching in my daily contacts in the home, I found misunderstanding and bitterness giving place to appreciation and love. Before very long a deep and loyal devotion was established.

Since that first proof of the power of divine Love to heal discord, I have never felt the desire to "go away," but rather have I felt, as Simon Peter expressed it in his reply to Jesus when questioned on the point, "Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life."

We have had many proofs in our home of God's abiding love and protection. Many healings have been experienced, among which have been those of inflammatory rheumatism accompanied by leakage of the heart, smallpox, hernia, hay fever, mumps, and many minor disorders.

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"I will arise"
September 26, 1931

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