cost of living is generally taken to mean the amount that has to be paid or given in exchange for the things believed to be necessary to sustain human life—namely, food, clothing, and shelter.
to the installation of Eliakim as treasurer to the court of King Hezekiah, the prophet Isaiah represents God as saying, "I will fasten him as a nail in a sure place.
the setting sun slipped behind the low-lying bank of clouds, which, rising steadily from the horizon, soon overspread the sky and cast upon the lake its dark shadows.
Ralph B. Textor, Committee on Publication for the State of Ohio,
Had the writer of the article called "The Dissension of Latter-Day Medicos," in the May issue of your journal, followed his own advice, to be charitable toward a system of healing other than one's own, he would have avoided the misrepresentation of Christian Science and his undignified reference to its Discoverer and Founder in his opening paragraph.
Theodore Burkhart, Committee on Publication for the State of Oregon,
My attention has been called to your editorial of November 27, and I note that you mention Christian Science as purporting to heal "through the power of the mind over the body.
Peter B. Biggins, Committee on Publication for the Province of Alberta, Canada,
In an article in the Times a writer recently made a serious mistake when he associated Christian Science with hypnotism, and stated, "The Christian Science practitioner quietly yet persistently repeats, 'You are well!' thus soothing the patient and leaving the positive suggestion of health where it is bound to take effect.
his mighty works Christ Jesus revealed the kingdom of heaven on earth, and his ministry exemplified his prayer, "Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Testimonies of healings brought about at authorized lectures on Christian Science will be published in The Christian Science Journal or the Christian Science Sentinel, when verified as are other testimonies appearing in the periodicals.
I found Christian Science over twenty-nine years ago and loved it from the first, but was slow to grasp the wonderful truth it was teaching and leading me into.
William Frederick Cruse
with contributions from Florence Ethel Cruse
In expressing my gratitude for the daily help received in Christian Science, in all the problems which present themselves, whether financial, or in business, or in the church, I should like particularly to testify to the healing of acute bronchitis.
I have frequently turned to the testimonies of healing in The Christian Science Journal and the Christian Science Sentinel for a deeper sense of gratitude, and in every instance have the grateful acknowledgments given therein lifted my thought to a higher plane and awakened fresh courage to work anew over some troublesome problem.
Thee, O Soul, so glorious and free,Infinite, perfect, ageless, deathless, vast,I see all being, all that is to be,Or has been, or is now—the present, past,And future in one perfect changeless whole,O glorious Soul!
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