From the Field

[From a Report of the Christian Science Prison Committee for the State of New York]

Christian Science services were started in Sing Sing Prison by First Church of Christ, Scientist, Ossining, in May, 1913. This work was later put under the direction of Second Church, New York City, and a state prison worker was appointed. On April 12, 1919, Second Church recommended that the management of the work be placed under the supervision of the three largest churches of the state—First and Second Churches, New York City, and First Church, Buffalo, and this plan was submitted to and approved by practically all of the churches and societies in the state. In August, 1919, the Christian Science Prison Committee for the State of New York was organized.

Regular Christian Science services are conducted each Sunday at the following institutions, and at most of them a monthly testimony meeting is held: Auburn Prison for Men, Auburn Prison for Women, Clinton Prison, Great Meadow Prison, Sing Sing Prison, Elmira Reformatory.

At least one Christian Science lecture is given each year at these institutions. Large quantities of the Christian Science periodicals are sent to all of them, and, in addition, subsctiptions to The Christian Science Monitor are sent to the following institutions, where the committee is not yet conducting services: New York State Hospital, Dannemora; New York State Reformatory for Women, Bedford Hills; Institution for Defective Delinquents, Napanoch; Matteawan State Hospital, Beacon.

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Essential Differences
December 6, 1930

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