branch church of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts, is bound to be faced, sooner or later, with the problem of church building.
often one has seen a bee, a bird, or some other flying thing, fruitlessly trying to get through a pane of glass into the outer world! What desperate attempts are made, and how the pane is explored in the search for an exit! Probably close at hand is the outlet that is being looked for; and to one watching from a little distance this struggle for freedom, the situation may seem almost ridiculous.
In reply to "Corlic" writing in your issue of March 14, criticizing a lecture on Christian Science, let me say that God, being infinite, incorporeal Spirit, sees man as His image and likeness, spiritual and not material.
H. Ernest Vincent, Committee on Publication for the Province of Natal, South Africa,
In your issue of July 14 appears an article entitled "Faith Healing Charlatans" in which the writer associates the practice of Christian Science with faith healing.
is a common misapprehension among people who are more acquainted with psychology than with Christian Science that Christian Science healing is effected by means of suggestion.
Announcement is made of the publication of the first translation of Christian Science literature in the Finnish language: the pamphlet "Answers to Questions Concerning Christian Science" by Edward A.
To insure that complete lecture notices be printed in the Sentinel, detailed information should reach the Editorial Department regarding lectures in the United States and Canada, at least four weeks before the date of the lecture; in Great Britain and Ireland, at least five weeks before; in other European countries, at least eight weeks before.
I wish to say how grateful I am for the healing work which is being done by The Christian Science Board of Lectureship instituted by our dear Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, and to tell of a healing which I experienced after attending a lecture given by one of its members.
Many times I have been helped and encouraged by reading the testimonies in our periodicals; and I am glad to express my gratitude for these loving channels, made possible by the wisdom of our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, for the sharing of our blessings with one another.
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