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Extracts from Reports of Christian Science Committees on Publication for the Year Ended September 30, 1925
In submitting this, the third annual report, the Christian Science Committee on Publication for Ontario is pleased to announce a very marked increase in the correct understanding of Christian Science by the general public throughout the province. An increasingly respectful attitude towards Christian Science is shown by publishers. One editor, expecting my visit, having noticed the news item requiring it, said that the "Publication Department of the Christian Science Church" was "on the job," and was the most perfect worldwide organization coming under his observation. Tangible appreciation of the assistance The Christian Science Monitor renders to newspaper publishers is seen in its paid subscriptions. The four Toronto daily newspapers are all subscribers. The New Outlook, the official organ of the United Church of Canada; MacLean's Magazine; the Humane Pleader, and others of national circulation, subscribe and are frankly appreciative, frequently publishing articles from it, with credit given. This is the result of frequently mailing marked copies of the Monitor and of giving short date subscriptions to the editors, as is now being done generally throughout the province by assistants to the Committee. An extension of this activity is planned for this year, covering two hundred and fifty Ontario newspapers and weekly and monthly publications.
The newspapers in the province, when requested by the alert Assistant Committees, have published from time to time news dispatches of general educational value. A conspicuous example of this was the report of the Annual Convention of the Canadian Medical Association in Regina, in which the statement was made that Christian Science was healing incurable diseases, and diseases which the medical profession could not diagnose, and that consequently the doctors should take up the study of psychotherapy. Prominent top-column headings announced "Doctors Favor Christian Science" and "For Christian Science as a Mental Cure."
Suitable articles gathered by assistants to the Committee are sent to the "Signs of the Times" department of the Christian Science Sentinel. When these appear an opportunity is thus furnished to send our religious literature to those whom its perusal will enlighten. Recently a Sentinel, marking a reprint from the New Outlook, was mailed to the ministers of the United Church of Canada in Toronto, thus reciprocating their official publication's use of the Monitor. The importance of the Sentinel's distribution to bring a correct understanding of Christian Science to the public is readily seen. The "Signs of the Times" in the Sentinel and "Progress in the Churches" in the Saturday issue of the Monitor have been offered to the religious editors of newspapers in the province as helpful and suitable interdenominational news for their pages.
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September 25, 1926 issue
View Issue-
Divine Love's Provision
Affirmation of Truth and Denial of Error
The Undivided Garment
Insistence on Harmony
Our Church, the Storehouse
CHARLES V. WINN with contributions from Joseph Parker
Our attention has just been directed to a letter which appeared...
Robert Ramsey, Committee on Publication for Lanarkshire, Scotland,
Kindly allow me space in your esteemed paper for a...
Mrs. Emma Ljunglöf, Committee on Publication for Sweden,
Your view, expressed in a recent Spokesman, that Christian Science...
Edgar McLeod, Committee on Publication for Northern California,
To make clear to your readers that the play, "For You and Me,"...
J. Latimer Davis, Committee on Publication for the State of Iowa,
As reported in your recent issue, a clergyman compared...
Hugh Stuart Campbell, Committee on Publication for the State of Illinois,
A Song of Hope
Right Conversation
Albert F. Gilmore
"Hold fast that which is good"
Duncan Sinclair
True Contentment and True Discontent
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Cullen C. Evans, Ellen Georgina Nangle, Martha Hardy Trimble, J. Peter Kuber
I am so thankful the opportunity is given through the...
Emory F. Cockreham
It is a real privilege to be able to express our gratitude...
Charles Longeray
For many years previous to 1917, I suffered untold agony...
Rose G. Eisenberg
Since taking up the study of Christian Science more than...
Ethel M. Madge
I wish to tell of the good received in more than five years'...
Lois J. Merritt
On Friday evening before the Canadian Thanksgiving Day...
Amey M. Connor
I came to Christian Science at a time when, according to...
Jennie C. Garaghty
Signs of the Times
with contributions from R. Baden-Powell, James Douglas, Nellie Mann Opdale