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Divine Love's Provision
IT had been snowing all night, and in the morning a white mantle several inches deep covered the ground. For some days the sparrows had been enjoying a feast of crumbs, continually replenished, placed on the rail of the veranda outside the kitchen door. On this particular morning the rail was covered with four inches of snow, but one lonely sparrow had made a small passage through the snow and was feeding with evident enjoyment ruffling his feathers in the keen morning air. Some others joined him, and they all helped themselves liberally.
Probably these sparrows had been there before. This morning, however, there was no evidence of crumbs, as the snow had concealed them; but the sparrows, obedient to the divine intelligence that guides and governs all unerringly, had not accepted the outward evidence of lack, and had found the feast that was awaiting them. In watching the sparrows at their morning repast, the writer was reminded of the fact made clear in Christian Science, that divine Love protects and lovingly provides for His entire creation. The incident brought him crumbs of comfort, because God's goodness was being graphically proved. The words of Christ Jesus came back to memory: "Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?"
How comforting is the assurance that divine Love bountifully provides for His highest idea, as well as for all His lesser ideas! In some instances, according to human sense, there may be apparent a lack of those things considered necessary in human experience—food, raiment, a reasonable supply of money. In other instances, where these supplies are ample, there is still the need of spiritual understanding, a better knowledge of God and His Christ, which is, indeed, as Christ Jesus said, "life eternal." Whatever the need may be, divine Love supplies it. If in one's experience money is abundant, there may be just as great a need to understand spiritual reality as in the experience of another where money appears to be lacking. At all times clear spiritual vision is needed. When supplies are abundant, do we turn in gratitude to God as the Giver of all Good? Do we see that we are wholly dependent on God for all that we are and all that we have? With this clear spiritual perception preserved, we may enjoy prosperity and not be ensnared by it. It is man's birthright to enjoy prosperity and at the same time to preserve the consciousness of absolute dependence on God.
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September 25, 1926 issue
View Issue-
Divine Love's Provision
Affirmation of Truth and Denial of Error
The Undivided Garment
Insistence on Harmony
Our Church, the Storehouse
CHARLES V. WINN with contributions from Joseph Parker
Our attention has just been directed to a letter which appeared...
Robert Ramsey, Committee on Publication for Lanarkshire, Scotland,
Kindly allow me space in your esteemed paper for a...
Mrs. Emma Ljunglöf, Committee on Publication for Sweden,
Your view, expressed in a recent Spokesman, that Christian Science...
Edgar McLeod, Committee on Publication for Northern California,
To make clear to your readers that the play, "For You and Me,"...
J. Latimer Davis, Committee on Publication for the State of Iowa,
As reported in your recent issue, a clergyman compared...
Hugh Stuart Campbell, Committee on Publication for the State of Illinois,
A Song of Hope
Right Conversation
Albert F. Gilmore
"Hold fast that which is good"
Duncan Sinclair
True Contentment and True Discontent
Ella W. Hoag
The Lectures
with contributions from Cullen C. Evans, Ellen Georgina Nangle, Martha Hardy Trimble, J. Peter Kuber
I am so thankful the opportunity is given through the...
Emory F. Cockreham
It is a real privilege to be able to express our gratitude...
Charles Longeray
For many years previous to 1917, I suffered untold agony...
Rose G. Eisenberg
Since taking up the study of Christian Science more than...
Ethel M. Madge
I wish to tell of the good received in more than five years'...
Lois J. Merritt
On Friday evening before the Canadian Thanksgiving Day...
Amey M. Connor
I came to Christian Science at a time when, according to...
Jennie C. Garaghty
Signs of the Times
with contributions from R. Baden-Powell, James Douglas, Nellie Mann Opdale