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Christian Character and Healing
Not infrequently the beginner in Christian Science is strongly attracted to what may be termed the more purely metaphysical side of this Science, his reason being powerfully appealed to by the truths it presents to him. Never before, probably, has he seen the significance of the fact that since God, good, is infinite, of necessity what men call evil must be unreal, or that since God is infinite Spirit, spiritual creation alone is real. An entirely new realm appears before him; and he is forced, accordingly, to adjust his thought to the new revelation. And in the process he experiences a happiness he has probably never before dreamed of.
Unquestionably the earnest student's thought undergoes a great transformation as he follows the arguments of divine Science. It may be that he soon experiences a healing, a distinct physical or moral healing, even quite unexpectedly; and then gratitude wells up within him for the discovery with which he is becoming acquainted. And the study proceeds, largely still, possibly, along the more definitely metaphysical line.
Now it is right that the student should become firmly grounded in the fundamentals of Christian Science. It is right that he should make certain that he understands its essentials, just as one who becomes a student of mathematics finds it proper to learn the rules of the science, step by step, from its rudiments. Otherwise, how could either expect to succeed with the greater problems? But there is this difference: the beginner in Christian Science has to remember that along with the gaining of the understanding of the great truths of Being, he must cultivate Christian character; he must remember that it is absolutely essential he should do so if he would prepare himself for the work of Christian healing.
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February 6, 1926 issue
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Rejoice Now!
Demonstrating Good
God's Children
The Awakening
The Way Out
At the Beautiful Gate
My attention has been called to an article in your recent...
S. Britton R. Foster, Committee on Publication for the Province of Ontario, Canada,
In a recent editorial, under the caption "Faith Healing,"...
Cecil E. Benjamin, Committee on Publication for the Cape of Good Hope, Union of South Africa,
Your recent issues contianed accounts of remarks made...
Richard E. Prince, Committee on Publication for the State of Virginia,
My attention has been drawn to your reply to a question...
Hugh Stuart Campbell, Committee on Publication for the State of Illinois,
In "Pulse of the Public," under the heading, "Making it...
Edgar McLeod, Committee on Publication for Northern California,
True Sympathy
Letters from the Field
with contributions from Edna Fraley Matthews, Beulah Alton, Jessie L. Spitzley, Clara Millard Stryker
Man's True Selfhood
Albert F. Gilmore
The Digestion of Truth
Ella W. Hoag
Christian Character and Healing
Duncan Sinclair
with contributions from The Christian Science Board Of Directors
The Lectures
with contributions from Lucy C. Mathews, Blaine W. R. Krout, John L. Lawton
Several years ago I became ill with a form of nervousness...
Olga M. Cesan with contributions from Marie Blackburn
About fifteen years ago I first attended a Christian Science...
Lydia J. Purman
Deep gratitude causes me to tell of the many blessings...
Elfriede Hellwig
Christian Science came into my life over nine years ago
Isabella Browning
Sixteen years ago I was healed through Christian Science...
Flora Clayburn
It is a joyous privilege to express my gratitude for the...
Viola M. Cottrell
It is with gratitude I take this opportunity to express my...
Charles Herman Seiger
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Charles H. Brent, President Coolidge, Charles Evans Hughes