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To add our quota to the mountain of evidence, to bear...
To add our quota to the mountain of evidence, to bear "witness unto the truth," as taught through Mrs. Eddy's labors for the world, is a duty we owe to God and the Cause of Christian Science. For many years, through a mistaken perception. I had ridiculed Christian Science. Then came years of difficulties, and life seemed slipping away. A turn to the Bible was made, and books of several schools of thought were deeply studied, and then relinquished as it became evident that these books were in part copied from other writers.
A very earnest desire for the truth led up to the following experience. While on a visit to Durban, my wife was threatened with a terrible infectious disease and placed in a quarantine ward. Our eldest boy was threatened with another infectious disease and quarantined outside in the country. Our little infant was taken to a nursing home, and I myself was little more than able to keep hold on life. Our sheep and stock were neglected a couple of hundred miles away. Friends had allowed me the privilege of using the home and library of some people who apparently were students of religion. One evening when the end seemed near, on looking over one of the bookselves, I saw the book "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and taking it out began to read it. It brought such wonderful comfort that insomnia of years' standing was almost instantly routed, and a restful sleep that night obtained. Next morning a search was made to find if this wonderful book could be bought in the town of Durban, and if there were any people with an actual knowledge of Christian Science healing. The bookseller tried to hinder me in my search for Science and Health, but eventually told me where it could be procured; and at the Christian Science Reading Room a list of practitioners was handed me. One promised to help. My wife was told that work in Science was being done for her, although she was in such a condition that conversation was not easy. Some hours later the telephone message said, "Much better;" and in comparatively no time she was up and well. Report from quarantine, where our eldest son was, said, "Last slide negative," or words to that effect. He was almost immediately free to return home.
Since then, nearly six years ago, many difficulties have been overcome through the work of a kind practitioner. One or two can be instanced, although other and varied difficulties have been, some successfully and some partly successfully, overcome. We were on the farm without any domestic help, and a little one was expected on a certain day. Before the day passed a native girl came in from the road asking for work. Since learning of Christian Science four children have come to us without any professional medical assistance.
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October 16, 1926 issue
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True Simplicity
Touching the Hem
Spiritual Enrichment
The Accepted Time
No Amalgamation of Truth and Error
In reply to a critic writing in your recent issue, let me...
Charles W. J. Tennant, District Manager of Committees on Publication for Great Britain and Ireland,
There is, in reality, no similarity or connection between...
Miss Esther Murray, Committee on Publication for Natal, Union of South Africa,
In your recent issue you copied a joke in which a little...
Fred Yould, Committee on Publication for the State of Georgia,
There appeared in your recent issue, in an article by a...
Philip King, Committee on Publication for the District of Columbia,
In your recent issue you report an evangelist as having...
Ralph W. Still, Committee on Publication for the State of Texas,
Extracts from Reports of Christian Science Committees on Publication for the Year Ended September 30, 1925
John Bright
The Rock, Christ
Albert F. Gilmore
The Giver and the Gift
Ella W. Hoag
Man's Unity With God
Duncan Sinclair
The Lectures
with contributions from Frederick William Boorer, Mae Kent Hofreiter, Harry G. Krebs, Dame May Webster
To add our quota to the mountain of evidence, to bear...
John Parkhouse
I have relied solely upon Christian Science for many...
Mabel C. Thompson
I should like to express my gratitude for the many benefits...
Selina E. Lightfoot
I am so grateful for the wonderful light which Christian Science...
Elizabeth E. Baker
Jesus' words, "Seek, and ye shall find," led me to seek...
Friedrich Preller
I have never known any other religion than Christian Science,...
Dorothy Bainbridge Pann
I am most grateful for the healing of our youngest son
Elizabeth S. Townhill with contributions from William N. Townhill
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Henry Hallam Saunderson, Arnold Sherring, H. C. Culbertson, A. M. Bradley, S. C. L. Miller