A Story
is told of one who went to a friend and said: "This five-dollar bill is all the money I have in the world, except a small amount of money that is owing to me.
Henry Deutsch, Committee on Publication for the State of Minnesota,
During the more than fifty years of the existence of Christian Science, it has been subjected to misrepresentation and attack in much the same manner as that which characterized the actions of those who persecuted Jesus himself, misinterpreted and maligned his teachings, and made martyrs of those of his followers who had the courage to stand for the truth of what he taught.
David A. Giel, Committee on Publication for Holland,
A short report of a lecture on Christian Science, appearing in your issue of recent date, contains a few remarks which, apart from the question whether they are to be put down to the speaker or to your reporter, are apt to give a very wrong impression of the teachings of Christian Science.
J. Latimer Davis, Committee on Publication for the State of Iowa,
In the "Current Comment" column of your issue of recent date, under the caption "It is Life," your statement, "One or two benign publications that look at the world through smoked glasses print no crime news at all," leaves an erroneous impression as to the position of such publications.
Miss Kate E. Andreae, Committee on Publication for Sussex, England,
There appeared in the Observer of recent date an account of a lecture given on the subject of "How to counteract worry!" under the heading "Fresh Air Benefits.
I stood
on the sands one summer day,And watched a white ship that sailed awayFrom sheltering shores within the bay,Out to the great gray sea,Proudly her flag to the breeze unfurling,Cleaving the billows around her curling,Speeding away from me.
existence, with all that pertains to the belief of matter as a reality, is inseparable, it seems, from the concept of time, that is, of duration.
The attention of clerks and committees of branch churches in the United States and Canada, having in charge arrangements for lectures, is called to the necessity of having the information reach the Editorial Department at least four weeks before the date of the lecture, in order to insure publication in the Sentinel.
Christian Science was presented to me by many dear friends for a period of some years before I was willing to read any of the literature, much less the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science.
Many years ago, when I first heard of Christian Science, I did not think of it as being anything I wanted; but a short time afterward I met some very cultured people who were students of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and who had been healed of various ills.
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