I have at hand a recent issue of your valued Enterprise...


I have at hand a recent issue of your valued Enterprise containing a short report of an evening's entertainment given under the auspices of the Walther League Society of the Lutheran church, which included a "lecture on Christian Science." May I ask for space to state that lectures on Christian Science can properly be given only by those who through consecrated study and practice have attained that degree of understanding which, as a safeguard for the public, is required by The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts. It would appear that the lecture reported was a clergyman's view about Christian Science; and from the short account given, it might even be construed as a veiled attack. It is to be hoped, however, that the inaccuracies in his statements about Mrs. Eddy were inadvertent.

Christian Science is just primitive Christianity as taught by our Master. It is based on the words and works of Christ Jesus, and is meeting a great human need; otherwise, it would not have "more than a million adherents." It is available to young and old through its textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. The Christian Science Journal and Christian Science Sentinel contain each month or week testimonies of healing through Christian Science. These testimonies are carefully verified and their truthfulness established; and records of the investigations are kept on file in The Christian Science Publishing House.On page 358 of Science and Health, in the chapter entitled "Some Objections Answered," we find the following: "Christian Science, understood, coincides with the Scriptures, and sustains logically and demonstratively every point it presents. Otherwise it would not be Science, and could not present its proofs. Christian Science is neither made up of contradictory aphorisms nor of the inventions of those who scoff at God. It presents the calm and clear verdict of Truth against error, uttered and illustrated by the prophets, by Jesus, by his apostles, as is recorded throughout the Scriptures."

Is it not of the utmost importance that ministers of the gospel, in endeavoring to lead the young people of to-day, hold to the line established by our Master rather than further mere creedal animosities?

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