Many of the world's leading medical practitioners have...

Daily Reporter

Many of the world's leading medical practitioners have gone on record as declaring that medical practice is founded on empirical knowledge and that drugs "cannot and do not remove the cause of disease" (Dr. Chester Levere). A prominent English practitioner, speaking before the British Medical Association, made the admission: "We often give drugs as an experiment in the hope that they will do good, and frequently not because the disease demands one, but because the patient is not happy till he gets it." Charles E. de M. Sajous, M. D., in his work on "Internal Secretions," writes: "A generation ago therapeutics was an art promising to develop into a science. At present it cannot be classed as an art or as a science; it can only be classed as a confusion." Evidently these prominent medical practitioners do not share the opinion that "medicine is a fundamental profession that affects others." It is important that the race be redeemed of its ills and that mankind awake to their heaven-born heritage of freedom and health; but this end can be gained only as men learn how to be better morally and spiritually. Resort to material means has not lessened disease.

Christian Science is practical Christianity or scientific Christianity. It heals all manner of sin and disease by the process which was employed and taught by Jesus. Mrs. Eddy, in her discovery and founding of Christian Science, has only reinstated primitive Christianity. If the method employed by Jesus in his healing ministry was correct and scientific, then the method revealed by Mrs. Eddy in Christian Science is correct and scientific; for in no least way does she depart from the rules laid down by the master Christian. Christian Scientists, with ever increasing success, are finding that Jesus' examples may be emulated and that they can, by living and loving the gospel truths enunciated by him, have a share in the blessings that come to those who look to God in every need. In the Preface of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," on page xi, Mrs. Eddy has stated:"The physical healing of Christian Science results now, as in Jesus' time, from the operation of divine Principle, before which sin and disease lose their reality in human consciousness and disappear as naturally and as necessarily as darkness gives place to light and sin to reformation. Now, as then, these mighty works are not supernatural, but supremely natural. They are the sigs of Immanuel, or 'God with us,'—a divine influence ever present in human consciousness and repeating itself, coming now as was promised aforetime,

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