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The address of Ezra W. Palmer, C.S.B., member of The Christian Science Board of Lectureship, has been changed from 1079 Downing Street, Denver, Colorado, to 1321 Milwaukee Street, Denver, Colorado.
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October 4, 1924 issue
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Why Do We Go to Church?
Real Freedom
The Perfect Model
The Language of Spirit
Consistent Prayer
True Transcendentalism
Unlimited Capacity
For a critic to infer that the term "Christian Science" is...
Hugh Stuart Campbell,
Just what the form of God is should be of little concern...
Brigman C. Odom,
Christian Science does not teach that there is no crime...
Charles W. J. Tennant
Christian Scientists are fond of quoting Scripture because...
Stanley M. Sydenham
Christian Science neither overlooks nor neglects the...
Theodore Burkhart
A news item appearing in your issue of January 3, under...
Charles E. Heitman
Letters from the Field
with contributions from Cecile B. Hydeloff, Howard Ross Haviland, Laura M. John, May A. Thibaudeau
Neither Age nor Blight
Albert F. Gilmore
One Holy Purpose
Ella W. Hoag
"The starting-point of divine Science"
Duncan Sinclair
From the Directors
The Christian Science Board of Directors
The Lectures
with contributions from George J. Peers
I became interested in Christian Science when my mother...
Jessie K. Ford
I feel a deep desire to express my sincere gratitude for...
Elvira Ericson
Christian Science came into our home about three years...
Annie B. Welch
Last fall I suffered a severe attack of laryngitis, and was...
Herbert Roy Conway
A little over six years ago I became interested in Christian Science
Bertie Morris Smith
In the winter of 1917 I had to go out to do some errands...
Marie RÖtschke with contributions from Charlotte Brontë
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Agnes MacPhail