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In recent issues of your paper there have appeared certain...
Casper (Wyo.) Daily Tribune
In recent issues of your paper there have appeared certain advertisements containing quoted references to Christian Science, which, although apparently kindly in nature and complimentary in intent, might cause some of your readers to arrive at the erroneous conclusion that Christian Science and spiritualism have something in common, whereas the exact opposite is the fact. Christian Scientists have no desire to deprive others of their right to embrace whatever belief they may choose, but they earnestly and honestly endeavor to guard against any confusion of Christian Science with systems of an opposite nature.
Neither mysterious sound nor communion with departed spirits is found in the teaching and practice of Christian Science, for in its teaching and practice there is no mystery; and the only communion is with the one infinite Spirit, God. Mrs. Eddy, Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, says in her textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 98), "Mystery does not enshroud Christ's teachings;" and again (p. 145), "If there is any mystery in Christian healing, it is the mystery which godliness always presents to the ungoldly,—the mystery always arising from ignorance of the laws of eternal and unerring Mind." In order to begin a clearing up of any sense of mystery about God and man, the individual has only to accept the Scriptural teaching that "God created man in his own image." Then it becomes clear that man is spiritual, the offspring of God, who is infinite Spirit. The command of Isaiah should warn us to turn away from contemplation of the man of flesh: "Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of?"
The Christian Science practitioner heals the sick as did Christ Jesus,—through prayer to the one Father. He is neither a medium nor a psychic. He does not diagnose disease, but ever adheres to the rule laid down and followed by the Master: "Take no thought ... for your body." On page 261 of Science and Health, Mrs. Eddy says, "Look away from the body into Truth and Love."
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April 22, 1922 issue
View Issue-
The Test
Peace and the Blessedness of Peacemaking
True Service
The Perfect Gift
In reference to the interesting article in a recent issue of...
Sigge Cronstedt
The terms used by Mrs. Eddy to define God are synonymous
W. K. Primrose
The writer of this report misrepresented Christian Science...
Richard E. Prince
Association Meetings
The Christian Science Board of Directors
The Disloyalty of Doubt
Albert F. Gilmore
"The simplicity that is in Christ"
Ella W. Hoag
Duncan Sinclair
Christian Science came to me thirty years ago
Jessie A. Moran
Some years ago, after relying from my earliest recollection...
Florence Gilman Hart
I wish to express my deep gratitude for Christian Science...
A. Jacqueline Shaw
Over fourteen years ago I attended for the first time a...
Inez Dayton Blond
As a little child I was compelled by doctors and specialists...
Mary Harriet Kettering
About fourteen years ago I went to live with a man and...
Augustin Beaudry
I owe so much to Christian Science that it is difficult to...
Mary E. Holloway
It is nine years since I caught my first glimpse of the...
Stella Mae Biddle
It is attributable entirely to Christian Science and its...
John Young Robertson with contributions from Augusta Weil Robertson
I gratefully testify to the healing power of Christian Science
Minnie Schellenberger
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Edward S. Martin, E. A. DeVore, Harold Anson
with contributions from Clerk of The Mother Church