every crisis surmounted, Christian Scientists appreciate more fully Christ Jesus' comprehensive outlook upon the worth-while in this world,—the reality of which he hinted in his Beatitudes with the clarity and simplicity of godliness.
some knowledge has been gained of the teachings of Christian Science, many of us discover the sincere desire growing in our hearts to serve God, and we look forward with joy to such service, feeling that we are able through our study to serve Him in a better and more intelligent way than ever before.
In reference to the interesting article in a recent issue of your paper may I present a few viewpoints in order to state the position of Christian Science as to this question, as, I regret to say, there occurred certain misstatements in the article which might lead to misunderstanding of the teaching of Christian Science regarding the enigma of suffering.
In recent issues of your paper there have appeared certain advertisements containing quoted references to Christian Science, which, although apparently kindly in nature and complimentary in intent, might cause some of your readers to arrive at the erroneous conclusion that Christian Science and spiritualism have something in common, whereas the exact opposite is the fact.
It is quite interesting and pleasing to note that the Episcopal church is forming a society "for the purpose of restoring the gift of healing, as practiced in the early church, but allowed to die out in later years.
A recent correspondent of your paper is quite right in saying that Christian Science demands a new conception of God and man, and therefore is more than a mere method of healing the sick.
Leader has thoughtfully provided means whereby students whose teacher is no longer with them may have their association meetings conducted by one "who is ready for this high calling".
is notable in the life of Moses that his great accomplishments in leading the children of Israel out of their captivity, and in guiding them through the long years of wandering in the wilderness, were made possible through his confidence in the power, presence, and availability of God to guide and protect His chosen people under all circumstances, however untoward.
Paul saw the Christian of his day in danger of being turned aside from the clear and simple teaching he had given them, he warned them to beware, "lest by any means,.
Some years ago, after relying from my earliest recollection upon materiality and a personal sense of love and protection, the hour came to me which our Leader, Mrs.
I owe so much to Christian Science that it is difficult to know just which experience will prove the most helpful to others; and yet I desire to give thanks in the fullest measure.
It is nine years since I caught my first glimpse of the truth as taught in Christian Science by reading "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy.
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